Although we had 36 people come through today and more then half were kids, here is only one story from today. This is Stephanie she is 4 years old . She is smaller than most her age. When I first saw her I thought she was only around 1 years old. Her mother was only 15 when she was born. And then last year her mother after having another child decided that she couldn’t handle any of the kids any more gave them both up for adoption. Stephanie is behind in her speech development and also her physical development.
She went in to see the dentist today. When she came out she had a smile on her face. (Fred and Dave were just great guys!!! J) But I’m not sure she knows what’s going on in her mouth. She had less then the 20 baby teeth she should and every single one of her teeth were full of decay. Every ONE.
When Lyn came over she held up her arms for Lyn to pick her up.
My heart just ached for her. I had to go outside to breath in the air because I was so upset.
She was only one of 15 stories from this one house in the orphanage; she was only one of the many, many stories from all the orphanages in Romania: She was only one of the many, many stories from the gypsy’s that we met this week; She was only one of the many, many lost people of Romania; She was only one of the many, many lost people in the world, that Christ died for
I’ll try and put a picture up tonight. It’s of a woman who is only 57 years old. You would not believe it by looking at her though; she looks like she’s around 65 or so. She came up for some teeth work, but when they took her blood pressure it was 260 over 140. no one could believe it! All the nurses were saying that she should be dead by now. We sent her home without doing anything. Tonight at our team time we prayed that God would do a miracle in her so that we could work on her teeth tomorrow.
when i have more time i'll catch up everyone on what happened the first several days.
Today is the first time the internet is working well enough to send this.