Tuesday, May 29, 2007

TCMI Worship Class

Right now I'm getting everything ready for the class. I did find out that this year I don't have to bring a video projector or computer speakers to each of my classes. Each National Director wrote back to me and said that they will have all the equipment I'll need for the class. That means a little lighter suitcase for me while I travel. I really don't like to send my luggage under the plane I'd rather carry it on with me if possible.
I still have to read all my notes and follow the PPT so that they both say the same thing.
For several years now I've been teaching the idea that worship is not just something we do on Sunday (or any specific day of the week), but it's more of what we do during the week. It's how we act, how we treat others, it's what we do with the money we have. It's what we do with the time we have. While it's a bit on the simplistic side for me I've decided that the definition for worship would be one word - Serve. If we approach worship as a life style then a life style of service will be our worship to God. Just recently I've heard the term "Whole Life Worship". I asked the person just what they meant by that. And while they had a bit of a hard time explaining it (I think that was because they heard the term used and never really tried it out on themselves yet), it fits exactly what I am talking about.
Yes, I know the terms used in Scripture that show we should pay homage to God, to bow down, to bend the knee, to be in a posture of reverence, to kiss. And while they do show that these are done at a specific time and even place, we must remember that Jesus told us that to worship God we must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. It's like everything Jesus taught about. He just didn't say or follow the Old Testament laws but He moved them even closer to what God was looking for all along. He wants US not our sacrifices. Serving is not a sacrifice if it's worship.