It happens. No matter how much we practice sometimes we make mistakes. It's not like we are professional musicians. I mean, they write their own songs, they arrange their own songs, they record their own songs, they sing their own songs, and then they go out and tour with the songs, they've written, arranged, and recorded. Mistakes? Probably not. But we continue to play and sing different songs each week. And when a new song is added how much time do we really have to practice it? Maybe two weeks if we are really lucky. We might even be able to practice along with an mp3 of the recording, as long as it's in the same key we want to sing it in. (Ever try singing all of Chris Tomlin's song in the original key?) A recording made with all professional musicians, rehearsed and then mushed through a whole series of recording effects before it is allowed to be released to the public.
However, I am not advocating that we not practice, that we not give the Lord our best; that we not work at improving the talent the Lord has given us. I'm just saying that sometimes mistakes happen. And when they do, we tend to beat ourselves down. Especially when it's a team that works hard at playing the best they can, and then one person makes a mistake. We can really feel down, and pretty bummed out. But it's not about us remember? It's not about our doing a great job that will make the people turn towards God. It's not about how well we played that helps people come closer to the Lord. It's about making room for the Holy Spirit to move and letting Him do the job He was sent to do.
Something like that happened here recently. We played our best, but there was a mistake. "What if that mistake made someone think less of our church and not want to come forward?" Right then and there I couldn't think of the answer to that question. (hey, it happens when you get old.) But one of the other players did have an answer for it right then. We have a time right after the service for people to come down to the front if they want to know more about Mountain, we call it MI5 (Mountain In 5 minutes) and other questions they may have about what we believe. We also have counselors up front for people who want to make a commitment to Christ. So he turned to the person posing the question and said, "Look at all the people who came up to MI5." The Holy Spirit was at work and will always be at work when we are presenting the gospel of Christ; when we are presenting this gospel from our hearts.
Mistakes? God knows, God forgives and anyway did He really even hear them?
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Passion week 08
I'll start with the weekend and work backwards.
We just had 8 worship services over 6 different time slots. We started on Saturday and went 3, 5, and 7. Yes, it was just a bit early for Easter, but I think somewhere in the world it was already Easter morning. Then on Sunday we had another 3 services. The two we always have, 9 and 11 and then added another service at 1 PM. At the 9 and 11 we also held services in Cook auditorium like we normally do on Sunday mornings.
We used the theme of The Bridge. I think Willow did that several years ago. We did use the bridge concept, and the drama from Willow, but we changed the other elements and the sermon idea was just a little different.
But even as great as Sunday was, it was the elements and services leading up to Sunday that made this weekend great for me.
On Maunday Thursday we had Jews for Jesus here and were led through a Seder service. It was called Christ in the Passover. Stan Katz led us through the Passover section by section and explained how in each section of the the Passover service Christ can be seen, or the foreshadowing of Christ can be found. I've experienced this before and I still enjoyed it. Actually the next Passover service I'd like to see is what the Passover was like when Jesus had his finally Passover with his disciples. I've only been to one service like that and it was at least 30 years ago. I'd like to see it presented again.
Then on Friday night we had a self-guided tour of a Good Friday service. It started with Communion and then went through 11 of the Stations of the Cross. Each Station had it's own writings to read and to meditated on. And when you felt like it you moved on to the next station.
Thursday, Friday and then Saturday/Sunday. It was a terrible week, and at the same time it was a week of glorious hope and excitement. It ended with hearing the story once again, of the resurrected Savior. It ended with us singing, 'for the glory of the risen King!'
We just had 8 worship services over 6 different time slots. We started on Saturday and went 3, 5, and 7. Yes, it was just a bit early for Easter, but I think somewhere in the world it was already Easter morning. Then on Sunday we had another 3 services. The two we always have, 9 and 11 and then added another service at 1 PM. At the 9 and 11 we also held services in Cook auditorium like we normally do on Sunday mornings.
We used the theme of The Bridge. I think Willow did that several years ago. We did use the bridge concept, and the drama from Willow, but we changed the other elements and the sermon idea was just a little different.
But even as great as Sunday was, it was the elements and services leading up to Sunday that made this weekend great for me.
On Maunday Thursday we had Jews for Jesus here and were led through a Seder service. It was called Christ in the Passover. Stan Katz led us through the Passover section by section and explained how in each section of the the Passover service Christ can be seen, or the foreshadowing of Christ can be found. I've experienced this before and I still enjoyed it. Actually the next Passover service I'd like to see is what the Passover was like when Jesus had his finally Passover with his disciples. I've only been to one service like that and it was at least 30 years ago. I'd like to see it presented again.
Then on Friday night we had a self-guided tour of a Good Friday service. It started with Communion and then went through 11 of the Stations of the Cross. Each Station had it's own writings to read and to meditated on. And when you felt like it you moved on to the next station.
Thursday, Friday and then Saturday/Sunday. It was a terrible week, and at the same time it was a week of glorious hope and excitement. It ended with hearing the story once again, of the resurrected Savior. It ended with us singing, 'for the glory of the risen King!'
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
just plain mistakes
i just read an article in the magizine christian musician, by keith mohr. it was entitled 'the danger of mediocrity'. he started off by mentioning the gallo wine tag line from several years back, "we will sell no wine before it's time." technology has helped people with just a little talent produce a CD's. and they sound pretty much, well, mediocre. they believe they have enough talent that they head on out to what he calls ccm central, franklin, tennessee. then he talked about the many, many musicians moving to nashville with aspirations of stardom and fame.i think there is way too much grape juice out there and the little that does become wine all tastes the same. but enough about wine and ccm and nashville.what about the worship service as a platform for musicians with just a little talent? are they still grape juice? do you use them anyway because you have no one else? doctors have said that a little glass of red wine at night can be good for you because of the antioxidants found in it. they have also said that red grape juice has antioxidants in it too. Both as it turns out are good for you. How far can you take this analogy? probably not too far. but the heart is first on the list of important items that a leader of worship needs.i'm not going to take this any further. i believe you can figure out what you need to do in your situation. but i will ask one more question, 'when does just plain mistakes become mediocre?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
New building for North Shore Christian
Last Sunday, the North Shore christian church in Riverhead, Long Island, NY moved into their new facilities about 4 miles from where they were meeting in a school. They were using a cafe-a-gym-atorium. The new building was built as part of an industrial park. They have a lease on one section of it now.
144 people showed up for there for their opening service. And as near as I can tell only my parents, Pam, me and one other couple were the only people not from the area.
The church is just about 1 and 1/2 years old now. It really was exciting to see all the people. I know the tech people, and the set-up people are really happy that they have their own building now. No more "church in a box". No more... get the trailer, unload it, set up, worship service, tear down and put back into the trailer and move it. The worship team will now have a permanent place to practice also. That's a huge plus too.
Here are some pic's of us putting the last minute finishes to the place on Saturday, and then some Sunday pic's of everyone that was there.

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