I drove about 20 K to SCS which is a very big shopping center just outside of Vienna. Rob and Mary picked me up at the Micky Dee's there and they drove me into Vienna. I can drive in New York City no problem, but I'm not ready to tackle Wien yet.
We started at about 10:00 this morning and went to after 2:00, with Lunch squeezed in the middle. As I was teaching the class you can tell that they knew why they were part of the worship team. It wasn't just because they knew how to sing, or play and instrument, or run the sound or even knew about the latest electronic gadget that could be used in worship, it was because of their heart for worship that they were in the worship ministry.
One of the sessions really went deep into personal heart issues and at the very end of that session one of the people asked if we could have a time of prayer, because what was just discussed needed to be thought about in a prayerful manner. It was a great time of worship!
There were several people there from the states and as we talked to each other we realized that we knew some of the same people back in the states. It's amazing how small the world is in Christ. Actually I'd like to change that saying. Louis Hall a wonderful brother in the Lord was talking to me just last Sunday when I used that phrase. He stopped and corrected me. He said It's not that it is a small world, but that the body of Christ is very large. Yes, I do believe that the body of Christ is huge! What a wonderful way of refreshing an old worn out saying.
What a wonderful day today was! Full of worship and new found friends, brothers and sisters in Christ.
Here are some pictures of today.