Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Alex got us to the airport in time with no problems. The flight was good, but it was packed. Every seat was full. Pam had an aisle and I had a window. we were hoping for an empty seat between us, but that didn't happen. There was a high school men's choir from the Elder School out of Cincinnati. There were about 80 in the choir and then parents and friends also came along. Nice bunch of guys. The guy in between us was in the choir.
We got to Vienna about 8:40 AM. Robert was here to pick us up. When we got to the haus it felt like we really hadn't been gone all that long. Because we are over here around the same time every year, it really feels like home.
I got my tickets for my in country trips. I fly out Friday morning for Tallinn (by way of Frankfort - never been there before). Then I'm back here the next Friday and fly out on Saturday for Sofia. That will be interesting. I've always gone from one country to the next without coming back to Austria first.
The weather is a bit on the hot and humid side over here right now!
I meet with Brent tomorrow to talk about worship teams and leadership issues. He's a worship leader here in Vienna at the church where Rob Prokup is the minister.
Well that's about it for today.
We're here and we're tired!


Debbie Gibbons said...

Hi John-
Glad to hear you and Pam arrived safely.
Only one week until we leave for Prague. Check us out at www.lynandjohn.com.
10 more weeks until school starts!
Enjoying life-
Debbie Gibbons

Linda Leturgez said...

John, glad to hear you & Pam arrived OK. "Worship as a lifestyle" -- I pray you communicate that with all your students. I'm also praying for Pam to accomplish her goals for the library. Catch you later -
Linda Leturgez

John said...

Debbie and Linda,
Thanks for your prayers.
Debbie i'll be praying for you guys while you are in the Czech Republic.