Sunday, June 24, 2007


Saturday June 23, 2007
What a day. We started the day by going to….. Wait the day actually started at 4 in the morning. That’s when this bright light came streaming into my room. It was like being in a spot light. I took off my blindfold (yes that’s right, and now you know why) and looked at the clock…4:15 AM. I looked out the window and sure enough there it was, already up. Now back to my story… we got to the Oleviste Church around 10:00 with Heldur and I was interviewed on the radio station there. Then it was off sighting seeing until 5:00. At that time we headed out to the country where the church was going to celebrate Midsummer Day. Besides what I mentioned yesterday about the day it is also St. John’s Day. They had a whole special day named after me!
I was asked to give a greeting there. I guess there were around 150-175 people there. It was quite a drive out there. And it was right on the water too.
After the church celebration we drove back to Tallinn and after driving around for awhile we found another celebration that was open to the public. They had a rock band playing, people dancing, and the bonfire. We didn’t get there until about 11:45 or so. it’s after 12, or should I say 0:00 and I have to say, it’s still a bit on the twilight side. Also there is music all around.
I’ll post this tonight and then put pictures up tomorrow sometime. I took a lot of pictures today. I have to see which ones I want to post tomorrow….er I mean this afternoon.

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