Friday, July 6, 2007


1. left to right: Angel, Valeri, Dimitrie, Tateos
2. left to right: Blagovest, Galya, Angel, Valeri, Dimitrie
2. left to right: Blagovest, Galya, Angel, Valeri
3. left to right: Dimitrie, Tateos, Reni, Maria (Mimi)
4. Mimi

Today was a much cooler day here in Sofia. It even rained a little. It felt a lot better and it seemed like the students were a bit more attentive. We had a lot more discussions anyway.
We finished the class right at 6:00 this evening. Tomorrow morning we will have a review and take a break and then the final test.
Last night several of the students and I went out to this restaurant for some dessert. It was an interesting place. It was kind of like a Friendly’s but without all the food items just mostly desserts. Three floors and all of them were packed. Lot’s of people smoking too. But I found that a bit more common here in Europe than in the states. But maybe it’s because of all the non-smoking laws in the states that I don’t notice it in eating establishments and public buildings.
Oh, yeah just so you know it was the student’s idea and I asked them several times if it was okay to leave for this amount of time because I didn’t want to take them away from any studying that my want to do. They assured me that it was okay and that we would only be gone for about an hour or so.
It was good to get away from the academic environment and hear the students stories.

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