Just in case you are thinking that all I'm doing is working on this blog site this week... here's what I'm working on for my next two weeks out.
*A new class outline to hand out (copies made here to bring in-country)
*Restructured and rearranged my class notes to make the class move along more smoothly and have a better flow to it. The rearranging of my class notes meant I had to rearrange my PowerPoint presentation also.
*I also made a new PowerPoint presentation just for class review purposes. I took out all the videos, picture slides, etc.
*I created a Worship Resources student folder... the class review ppt, a worship web site list, a short bibliography of books on worship. I have it on a memory stick that will be just for the students if they would like this information electronically. The bibliography and the worship web sites are also printed out in hard copy to bring with me in-country.
*Then I had to save all this data in three different places, my computer, my memory stick and the student memory stick. Then of course I would always find some new item to add or something to change so.... all three places had to be updated again, and again, and again, and again. As you can tell, I'm not very organized. Good thing I married a Librarian!!!
And I'm still working on a list of Worship books that are written in or have been translated into languages other then English.
Oh, yeah... here are some more pictures for you.
1. The Breakfast Club. The Thursday before the next class session the 'guys' all get together for breakfast. They go to Merkur in Baden 18 kilometers up the road. It's a grocery store that also has a food court. It serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Scrambled eggs with ham and cheese on a hard roll (simmel, pronounced zimmel) OJ and coffee all for 2.70 Euro - not too bad. And yep, it's the same Baden where Beethoven stayed and finished writing his Missa Solemnis. Actually, Schubert, Mahler, Beethoven all roamed around the woods here. Mozart wrote his Alleluia for a church in Baden. And from what I understand Schubert wrote an organ piece and played it on the organ in the monastery 1 kilometer up the road from here.
You'd think all that creative music stuff would have rubbed off by now, but nope....
2. Nancy Virgin. Nancy and Tom her husband come over for three months in the summer to work.
3. Dick Brown
4. Ruth Brown. Dick and Ruth also come over for three months at a time to work. Sometimes they are here a little longer too.
5. Patty Crull. Patty, Mike and their three boys live here all year 'round. Patty helps with keeping up with flower beds, and all-around cleaning when and where ever needed.
Oh, you want to know who's around the table at breakfast?
Starting from the front left going down the table and back up the right side:
Mike Crull
Jim Poer
Dick Brown
Robert Torres
(back up the right side)
Jim Meyer
Paul Kissling
Tom Virgin
Arlen Ahl
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