Thursday, January 31, 2008

Little boxes

Today our worship arts ministry team met with Rob our executive pastor. He went over some ideas and thoughts on how to help us within our ministry. With two venues and several of our lead volunteers stepping down recently we found ourselves in a bit of a mess. We found ourselves doing more to fill in the gaps. That may be okay for a short time, but it won't work for the long haul. And that's what we are in this for. We are all committed to making worship not only a priority for Mountain, but also making it the best we can.
Anyway, Rob showed us through the use of circles, boxes, arrows, lines of multi colored markers on a white board how we might be able to delegate our responsibilities. (Almost sounded like an old Arlo Guthrie song with all the circles, boxes, arrows, all we were missing were the black and white photo-graphs). Delegate is probably not the right word though. Through mentoring, teaching, modeling, taking someone along side us we can help them become a leader of a section of our ministry. Letting them take over one part of the ministry would also mean that they would 'own' that. Then in turn we would have more time to do the same with other people. not really working our selves out of a job though. Because with more venues and the possibility of other campuses, we will need more people running tech, media, band, vocal, lights, etc. that means more mentoring, more teaching, more modeling, taking more people along side of us.
After that meeting (2 hours) Bob and I had to go to a funeral where Bob was running sound and I was playing keys for a couple of songs during the service. Setting up for choir and going over the vocal music for Sunday and the choir music for tonight's rehearsal, I'm tired and I still have a meeting with the worship leader, band leader, me and Eric to go over this Sunday's music. Then vocal worship rehearsal, and finally choir. Busy night ahead of me.
Little boxes, little boxes, made of ticky might have been a cute song by Malvina Reynolds, but using boxes like Rob did is a very important concept for us to implement.

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