Sunday, June 22, 2008

Okay One More

Right now I’m in the airport with a couple of hours to kill. I’m watching a Jackie Chan movie dubbed in English which has a Russian translation going on the same time you can hear the English, AND there are Romanian sub-titles going on at the same time. So that means if I listen real closely I can enjoy it, the Russian speaking Moldovans can enjoy it, the Romanian readers can enjoy it, about the only ones who can’t enjoy it, is the Japanese and it’s their film to begin with. There have even been sometimes where I was watching a movie in Hungarian and it was being translated over the original language. But there was only one translator so all the parts - male and female were in the same male voice. I’m not sure how anyone can follow the story line.

The airport has been fixed up nicely since the last time I was here. In fact every country has been improving their infrastructure. It’s getting easier to get around now. I can’t imagine what it might have been like just 10 years ago.

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