Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Romania Tuesday June 1

Here is what I had for breakfast. make sure you take a really good look at all the items on the table. Maybe tomorrow i'll explain more about it.

My class. See I am teaching. Well I'm there anyway.

Here is everyone in the class.
Left to right.
Nicolae, Alexandru, Ion (sitting), Iosif, Petrica, Sammy (sitting), Sorin my translator/interpretor.

Notice the water pipe that she is drawing water from. Also notice the dirt street. This was taken in 2006.

Now notice, no more free water, but a paved street.

Class is beginning to take shape now. Everyone has settled down to where they feel very comfortable to ask questions if they need or want to.
Nicolae comes from a Pentecostal church, Iosif, Alexandru, Sammy and Sorin come from Baptist churches. And Petru and Ion come from a Brethren church.

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