Sunday, June 6, 2010


Pam and I had a wonderful day at the Haus in Weinerwald. We ended it with a communion service with the short term workers, long term workers, the professors and the permanent staff. Tomorrow the students start arriving and Tuesday we start teaching. A word of explanation:

Short Term Workers (STW's) are people who come over from the states and work here for two weeks while the students are here. They cook, clean, service the rooms, and do maintenance work on the grounds. The come in on the Thursday before the students arrive and get settled in and learn about their responsibilities so they can be ready for the students.
Long Term Workers:(LTW'S) These are people who come over for around 3-5 months of the year and assist with the short term workers and the permanent staff.
Permanent staff: These are people who live here all year around. they work in the office and help with the administrative side of things. There is also a permanent staff person in charge of the kitchen, someone in charge of maintenance, someone in charge of house services.
Professors: there are a couple of professors who are on staff here as permanent professors, but most come from the states and then there are several who come from several east European countries.
On Monday the students start to arrive, by train, car and plane. by tomorrow night they are all here and then on Tuesday we start teaching out classes.

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