Monday, July 16, 2007


Right now I’m sitting in the small international section of the airport. I’ve been in this place before, in fact several times. There are ticket counters that show where each door leads to. They are going to Istanbul, Kharkov (Krakow), Cairo, Zagreb, Dnepropetrovsk, Zurich. They are going to Turkey, Poland, Egypt, Hungarian, Dnipropetrovs’k (the other spelling), Switzerland. But not just planes going to these places, people. People of all nationalities. People speaking all kinds of languages. Families, young couples, older couples, single. Children running around. Mothers pushing children in strollers, hoping beyond hope that they would start getting tired so that they might fall asleep on the plane. Some are going home, some are going on a vacation, (you can tell by the way they are dressed), some are business people. They all have a purpose for traveling, they all know where they are going, but I wonder how many know truth, the Truth? I can’t really say, but I know a good majority probably don’t know Christ. They not only don’t know Him as Savior, but probably don’t know that He even lived and died... for them.
By the time I got on line for the plane I met some American’s who were going to Cimmerian peninsula to teach English. I knew my ride from Odessa to Kherson was going to be about 3 hours, but their ride was going to be even longer. They were from Minnesota.
When we got to Odessa I was very surprised by the terminal there. It was really nice on the inside. Of course after you went through passport control and then picked up your luggage, when you walked into the waiting room you were bombarded by, “Taxi, Taxi, you need taxi?” from about 30 guys. That was the same as it was 4 years ago when I was here.
Anatoly and his 20 year old daughter Yulia picked me up. Are all the girls here named Yulia? They were very nice. It was a long and bumpy ride but we made it safe and sound.
I’m in the same room I was last time. It’s nice to have familiar surroundings.
Dinner is in about 15 minutes so I better get cleaned up and ready.
Pictures will come either later today or tomorrow.
PS I'm in the computer lab of the school here and everything is in Russian, so it's a bit hard to maneuver around.

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