Sunday, August 5, 2007

Faculty Meeting

This Friday and Saturday we had our bi-annual faculty meeting at the Haus. Most of the permanent faculty were here for it. So i thought I would take some pictures of who was here.

From the right to the left, Cathy Kissling who is our registrar. Mike Crull, European VP and also teaches Discipleship. Then Laszlo Gerzsenyi from Hungry who is the National Director and teaches Biblical Studies, New Testament classes mostly.

The next picture shows Oti Bunaciu who is the National Director for Romania and teaches in the field of Church History. Next to him is Tony Twist the president of TCMI and who teaches the Theology and Practice of Pray class. Patrick Nullens who teaches for Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Leuven (Belgium) and us. He teaches in the field of Systematic Theology.

In the next picture is Patrick again and then Roger Kemp our Academic Dean, who teaches New Testament, Missions and some church history. Roger is from Sidney Australia.

Then Paul Kissling our Old Testament Professor and teaches several other classes also.

Then Pam Sarno the Librarian here at TCMI. Then you can see my computer.

This next picture is most of us gathered around watching a video from Sermon Spice, which was a website they haven't seen before.

And then finally a picture of Pam and me taken out by the goldfish pond.

Tomorrow we leave for home for some down time and time to play with the grandkids!!!!


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