Thursday, August 2, 2007

More Pictures

This is one of my last days in the office here with TCMI. Tomorrow we start a couple of days of faculty meetings and then the STW and professors from the states arrive. There is another session starting this Monday. It looks like there will be a full crowd here also. In the 90's so that's a pretty full house for a 2 week session.
I found some more photo's that I thought you might like to see.

The first one I call Skinny Dippin' in the Baltic Sea.

I found the place where Charlie Brown gets his Christmas trees.

This was my class at the beginning of the week in Tallinn.

Here is what the class looked like after the the rest of Tallinn found out that I was teaching. It was so large we had to rent an outdoors theater.

A double take and then thought, "Nope, not for me!"


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