Water falls in park; back of the Church, the Educational wing, and the Seminary

fishing; Housing units with hundreds of people who are longing to hear the Gospel
It’s Saturday morning and I’m just cleaning the room and getting all my papers organized and ready to leave this afternoon.
I took a walk down by the river this morning and took some pictures. Some men were fishing. They were using long poles with no reel on it, just the pole and lead line with a hook and bait on the end. I’m not sure what they were catching, but one of them pulled out something that looked like what I would call a ‘shiner’ not much bigger than 4 inches. It almost looked like bait until I saw him pull it off and put it in his catch pail.
I’m having a little trouble getting to connect to the Internet, so hopefully I’ll have this up and posted soon.
Traveling through Minsk to go back to the airport I was once again reminded of all those lost souls that so desperately need to hear the Word of God. The church has a long way to go, but the church also has people who are on fire for their savior and want to spread the good news to all.
One of the pre-class assignments the students had to hand in was about 2 Christian disciplines they had participated in. Several of the students wrote about how they were able to give money to help others at a difficult time in that persons life. They have little for themselves and yet they saw the need and had the opportunity to give and did so. In all the papers the result of that help is always the same, their giving became a blessing for them.
Well I'm back at the Haus and I finally have a hard-wire set up so I think I can get several pictures uploaded quickly.
Hey John Sarno and Pam - we miss you guys but we're thrilled that others have the blessing to know you - hands and feat and your doing it - Blessings,
Da Kenney's
Is a hacker/lottery salesman trying to overtake this blog??? At least if it is a hacker, he's an encouraging one.
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