Julia and Anna; The stained glass cross in front of the sanctuary here.

The sanctuary; Signs throughout the church building

A room dedicated to Martin Luther King Jr.
I arrived by train Sunday afternoon and Pavel was waiting for me. He came to the church here in Brno three years ago. We took the tram to the Pension. Brno is a very nice clean city. The pension is very nice. One word, air-conditioning! After I got settled in he picked me up and we walked to the church where dinner was waiting for us and a couple of students who arrived a day early. The pension is only a two block walk to the church. I can either walk on the sidewalk or choose to walk through a park. The walk through the park is very nice and quiet.
We started class at 8:30 this morning. This is the earliest I’ve ever started a Monday class. Only one student arrived a little late, but everyone else was here ready to go.
You may think it strange that I’m taking pictures of WC’s and names on doors, but I found this church very to get around in because of the signage. It is all in the same font, same size and same color and every door, panel, and every access way is labeled.
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