Finally a break! Even then Soterius is studying. I smell an 'A' for someone!
Wow, today is Wednesday July 2 already!! What happened to June?
It rained a little last night just enough to cool things off for the morning. It’s still a bit sticky, but so far it doesn't seem to be as hot. Of course it’s only 7:47 in the morning right now.
It’s always interesting to talk with the students over the whole week. You find out stories about them over time. Like Lidia. She went to Theological seminary (4 years), then went on to Veterinarian school (4 years), then to college for a degree in journalism (4 years), then to TCMI for her M.A. and now she is going for her M.Div at TCMI. And I just learned that she is also going to college for her M.A. degree in communications. On top of all this don’t forget that she is a missionary in India too.
Aurel my translator told me a little bit about what he does also. He is a missionary to Turkey. His main problem right now is finding work there so he can get a visa to stay more than a month at a time. So he and his wife go for up to a month and then have to come back to Romania before their visa expires. There is just so much you can do in that short of a time span. And then he said that he has to be careful about how many trips he takes like this. If you have a visa like this, you can stay in one country (up to a month) and then just cross over the boarder get your passport stamped, stay one night, and then come back and stay another month. But if this type of activity is noticed by passport control they will start to ask questions, about why you are spending so much time here, and why you don’t have a job here, and other questions that, well, you’d rather not have to answer.
Today I my notes led me to the copyright issue, as it eventually does in every country. And the same issues come up. And so the same answers have to be said. But there is a bright side to this issue. Here is where I talk about raising up Christian musicians from their own country. To have the churches here encourage young musicians to write songs of faith, songs of worship, songs of praise. But I have already written about this in a previous post.
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