Class with Sergie my interpertor standing in the back.
left to right: Igor, Sasha (Oleksandr), Sergie, Roman, Tetyana, Vitaliy, Martha,
Sergiy, Svetlana

Class with me standing (yes I'm standing) in the back.

Greek Catholic Church



A saint of the Greek Catholic Church without it's head

I'd say it was an icon, but the Catholic Church doesn't believe in Icons.

A steet scene

It was the first day of class and everyone was trying to get to know the teacher and the teacher was trying to get to know everyone else. Not just their names but their personalities and what they might be like in class.
It turns out that all 8 are great students. Actually only 7 are going for a degree. One, Martha is an audit student.
Sergie is my interpreter/translator. I’m thinking he is doing more interpreting while he is translating, which I don’t mind at all.
Igor, Sasha, Roman, Tanya, Martha, Sergie, Svetlana and Vitaliy are all wonderful students. By the time class was over today, I think all of them participated in some form. I can tell it’s going to be a week full of questions and answers that will make us all grow.
In one of our breaks Tanya asks me what kind of fruit and drinks I like. TCMI buys some items like these for its professors and Tanya was going to get some for me to have in my room for the week to snack on. She came back with a large bunch of bananas, (I’m not sure I can eat them all – and I told her that, and also, oranges, tangerines, juice and water. Oh and I can’t forget the cookies (two kinds) and the chocolates. Little bite size pieces of wafer, hazelnusse cream, chopped Hazel nuts and all covered with chocolate. I know there won’t be any of these left by the end of the week.
We eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together. Wait, I should say, breakfast, dinner and supper. I can never figure out what the difference is between dinner and supper, to me they’re the same thing. It’s interesting listening to the students talk to each other, the way they laugh and then the way they become quiet when they are having a serious conversation. Because we are in the Theological school there are other students from the college eating with us.
PS it's pronounced EE-gor, not I-gor, sorry Marty.
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