Sunday May 30, 2010,
I left Haus Edelweiss at 5 this morning to get to the airport. I made it to my gate with plenty of time to spare. My seat was 7B, in the middle. I went up to the counter to see if I could possible move my seat assignment and also asked if it was a full flight, the answer was “Yes” to both questions. But they took my ticket and said that they would see if they could do something. About 15 minutes before boarding I received my ticket back, 1A. Since the flight was only 1 hour and 25 minutes I figured row A seat 1 coach. It turned out to be Row A seat 1,1st class. So if does pay to ask I guess.
Vasili was there to drive me back to the church. This makes the 4th time he’s come to pick me up. It’s always good to see him.
By the time I got to the church (where I will be staying and teaching) the service had already started, so I went to the balcony to see the rest of the worship service.
I met several people I knew from when I was here before and we spoke after church was over. I was good to familiar faces in
Oti Bunaciu picked me up for lunch after church. We went to La Mama a Romanian restaurant. This is like the third time I’ve been there and I love it.
Tonight I will bring a “greeting” from TCMI and from their brothers and sisters from
The church
Church started at 6:00 and was over around 7:30. I gave a greeting also. I have pictures of the mandolin orchestra and the worship team.
There are three college students from the States over here working with the kids in Project Ruth. We went over to Oti’s house for some pizza from Jerry’s Pizza. ‘Nough said. It was good to see Oti’s wife Cammy also. We didn’t get back until after 11:00. Needless to say, it’s been a very long day for me. This is coming to you on Monday because they shut the wireless service down at night and I wasn’t able to access it.