The cooks are preparing lunches that the students will take with them on their way home today.
We had 62 students, so that's a lot of bags with sandwiches in them.

Gwen. Such a dear sweet lady. But I almost gave her a heart attack the other day. Our room has a balcony above a setting area. There are some tables with umbrellas and under the balcony there are some benches. It was after dinner and everyone was just relaxing. It looked like it might start raining and everyone was talking about it. So I got a glass of water and started sprinkling water on one of the stw's. He started singing, "Rain drops keep falling on my head..." But he was the only one getting "rained on". Then I decided to get a little bucket. I filled it only half way and then dropped the water on a spot where there was no one sitting. Well when the water hit the ground it made a big splash and a big noise. I didn't know it at the time, but Gwen was sitting under our balcony. Well when the water hit the ground she jumped out of her seat. And yes, I later went down to make sure the heart defibrillator had worked correctly. No, no she was fine, is fine and so is our friendship.
This is the set up for our last dinner together with the students. it was very nice.

For the past two days it has been raining steadily. But at least it was the heat that we had several days ago.
It was really unbearable. so everyone is liking the rain and the cool air. No one is complaining about it at all.
Right after the final is over we'll have lunch. And then we will all gather together to pray for the students as they leave for home. Some are driving some will be taken to the airport and some to different train stations. All my Belarus students are driving back home. Take a look at a map of Europe and look at the distance. Also, something that Americans are not at all used to when we travel that distance is that as some of these students go through different countries they will need what is called a transit visa. That would be like a tax posted to allow them to travel though the country. My students traveling to Belarus will go through the Czech Republic and then through Poland and finally into their home land. They are the lucky ones, they will not need a transit visa for any of the countries.
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