We had our bonfire last night. It was a time for singing, and roasting marshmallows. A lot of the eastern European students have never had marshmallows before. It was a new treat for them.

This is Ion giving his testimony and Violeta translating for him. Ion's testimony is actually a continuance from last year. It's kind of like the sequel. Last year he told us that the Orthodox priest was after him and his family and that he (the priest) would make sure that Ion would be dead within the year. That year was up two weeks after we saw him last year. What follows is his account since then. He told us that the priest was in an accident and was in the hospital. Ion went to see him. When the priest saw him the priest had tears in his eyes. Ion told the priest he was there because he loved him and that God loved him. I thought that was very interesting. Here was this Baptist minister telling a priest of the Orthodox church that God loved him.

It was also at that time that the priests son started coming to the church. The son told Ion not to mention to anyone that he was coming to the church. Ion told him that he really needed to tell his father what was going on. and now that his father and Ion were talking with one another this might be a good time for him to tell his father. A couple of weeks went by and the son showed up at church with a huge smile on his face. He didn't have to tell Ion anything, because Ion knew what the reaction of the priest was with his son. Now that the accident is over he is no longer a priest. So there is hope that he might come to church now. In fact there is a new young priest at the orthodox church and he and Ion have already been talking with each other. This priest has invited Ion to preach at the orthodox church sometime. Ion mentioned that this will probably happen sometime soon.
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