Rehearsal. We had Americans, Belarussians and Bulgarians on our worship team.
This is Vidjai a gypsy student from Moldova. Lera is translating from Russian to English for him. When Sergie was speaking she was translating from English (which he said was not very good, but we did all understand him) into Russian.
This is my class around the communion table right after the worship service on Sunday.
This is a picture of all the people who were here for session 3. Actually that's not quite true. A group of Romanian's went to Vienna for worship in a Romanian church there.
Yes, it is that red. If that's really red. Her lipstick is anyway
A statue of a young Strauss.
The class had prepared hard all week long for the worship service on Sunday. We took some time out of class to plan it all out. Everyone had different responsibilities assigned to them. We had to find people who were willing to give a testimony, Oleg's job. Someone to give the communion thought, Andrei's job. We asked a student from Poland, David and he did an outstanding job. People to make the power point slides and also for the two videos we used. Misha and Sergie M, did this for us. Someone to make sure that the communion was ready. Luda and Sergie T did this. Dmitry had to make sure that our special music was ready. But it was the class as a whole who planned it and we all put it into practice on Sunday morning. When everyone was there, we had over 100 people in the room. The singing was in .... I guess at least 4 languages if not more. We did have students from several different language groups. That day We all had a little taste of what it will sound like in Heaven. We may worship our God in different languages; we may worship our God with different worship music and styles, but one thing is clear, we worship ONE GOD and He is our audience of one.
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