Here are some pictures from when I was in Ukraine. The first 5 pictures are of students and the classroom where I taught.
The next picture is a picture of me holding the plate that the students gave me after the class had ended. It's a plate with the emblem of Kherson on it with the Ukrainian flag. It's very, very nice.

The next picture is of Zhenia, Vera and their daughter Anya who helped translate for us. After dinner we went for some sight seeing of Kherson. Here is a picture of a WW II monument of a memorial of Russian soldiers who died at this spot over looking a river. I guess it was a terrible battle and lots of Russians lost their lives at this spot.

The next pictures are of the church. The first one is the inside and then one of the outside entrance way. The building was an elementary school that the church purchased. It was built with an open court yard in the middle. The church closed the court yard in and made the sanctuary that you see. Also because this used to be an elementary school, it is in the middle of several apartment buildings. Here is a picture of one of the ones close by.
The last shot is of the cross over the entrance way into the church.
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